Taking a break

It’s already the last day of February and you may have noticed that there hasn’t been a new blog post from me yet.

Even though the last few weeks I was super busy with work and my other hobbies I really wanted to publish a post but I had somewhat of a block. Not neccessary because I didn’t know what to write but rather on what to publish.

I tried to continue writing on some of the drafts I had, I even wanted to start something new but somehow I wasn’t a 100% convinced. I don’t want to post something only for the sake of ticking it of my monthly to-do list but rather because I thought it was important or creative enough to be posted. Plus I don’t want my posts to come of rushed since it takes a couple hours for me to write and review them until I’m finally content with the final result.

I even missed my two year blog anniversary two weeks ago although I’m quite content with what I achieved in 2017 blog-wise. It wasn’t as intense as 2016 but I had a couple posts in 2017 I am extremely proud of. Still I didn’t feel like I had to highlight my year.

As I mentioned before in previous posts, blogging isn’t my only hobby and at the moment it’s not my first priority. I also don’t think my day to day life would be really interesting for you especially if you’re not into Cosplay and KPop.
At the moment I’m focusing more on me and my goals instead of trying to do 10 things at once. Without the additional pressure I am finally more focused at work, I picked up on things again I neglected the last couple months and I couldn’t be more happy right now. Restraining myself and doing one thing after another works really well and makes it easier for me to spread positivity.

Anyways long story short: I love my blog and I don’t see a reason to delete it since I’m actually proud of what I posted so far. But I will be taking a break from blogging until I feel a 100% motivated again.  It could be that I’m returning with new content in a month already or maybe even only in fall. But I will stay active on my Social Media accounts, especially on Instagram since this is still my favourite platform of all (even with the new confusing algorithm!)

So don’t be sad, I won’t be gone for good and I don’t want my blog to be forgotten. Just give me some time and I will maybe return sooner than you think!

See you soon,


31 Days Make-Up Challenge July (+ little OOTD Challenge) – My experience

It’s already (almost mid-)August so it’s definitely time for my 31 Days Make-Up Challenge July wrap-up!

So first of all I need to answer the question: Did I succeed the task of posting a makeup look every day in the month of July? YES, I did!

Did I also succeed to post at least four or one OOTD a week in the month of July? Continue reading

30 Days of Make Up Challenge September – looking back

30 Days Make Up Challenge

Exactly 30 days ago I started my “30 Days Make up Challenge” for the month of September where I posted a picture of my make up (almost) every day over on my Instagram.

I can’t believe how fast September went by and that I didn’t give up on this challenge. The real challenge wasn’t actually to put on make up everyday (since that’s what I would do anyway) but rather to take a good picture even with bad lighting (only using my iPhone camera), remember to upload it and trying create different looks every day.

So anyway how did I experience the 30-days challenge and would I do it again? Continue reading

30 days of Make Up Challenge

As I already mentioned on Instagram a couple of weeks ago I will try to challenge myself  and take a picture of my make up every day in the month of September.
I’m not trying to show off or anything but I want to know if I’m able to come up with something new every day and remember to take a picture of it and post it!

I'll try to make the pictures as focused as possible
I’ll try to make the pictures as focused as possible (I don’t have a great camera to make pictures with yet)

I think I started wearing make up in public at the age of 12 or 13 yaa know the good old black eyeliner that you would ONLY put on your waterline because it kinda made you look more “grown up” hahaha

It continued with me getting into my emo-phase I wanted to look as cool as all the scene girls and boys. So I started wearing black eye shadow LOADS of it, eyeliner (again TONS of it) and mascara. After I saw a young shop assistant in an emo- clothing store wearing a hint of RED eye shadow in the corner of her eyelid (covered in black eyeshadow of course) I started experimentig and also tried some red and even purple eyeshadow; this shit was my special eyelook!

That's probably one of my everyday looks
That’s probably one of my everyday looks

After my emo phase I discovered my very first beauty guru on YouTube (back in 2008 where YouTube was acutally full of random videos, beauty gurus weren’t that big then) and tried to achieve the same looks as her. So I bought myself that huge Claire’s eyeshadow palette that literally had every colour you can think off! (Looked like this one but mine was black obviously.) And I went craaaazy with it. I have to admit though it looked pretty cool, I uploaded all the pictures on some social media page called “Netlog” but since I deleted  my account ages ago all of these precious pictures of fetus-me are hidden on the tiny laptop I used to own hahaha

Another rather everyday look
Another rather everyday look

Well long story short thanks to the media and YouTube I discovered so many make up idols (such as Kat von D, Claire Marshall, bloggers, random people I got inspired by) that made me try so many brands, products, different looks and techniques, so that now I got all these make up skillz and knowledge I can use 😀
Since make up and beauty is something I love, invest a lot of time/money/power in and even dedicated my whole right sleeve I decided to make it a challenge for me to at least try to do something different every day AND take a picture of it. Depending on how unique or good I think it is I’ll either post everday or bundle the pictures and share them at the latest after four days.

But I tend to go bold with my lipsticks every now and then :D
But I tend to go bold with my lipsticks every now and then 😀

I hope you’ll enjoy this little experiment with me and I’m curious to see if I’ll be able to do it or not haha

Btw all the make up I’m using is cruelty-free and I’ll try to link the products in the description of the post! So don’t forget to follow my Instagram @misleadingmaps ;D

See yaa soon